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Topic: Nice answer tonight!


You guys nailed it tonight. Way to answer the criticism from today. I think your DK lineup unchanged hit 320. Who says you need to do your own research!! Just joking. But really....Great work on DK tonight.

Thanks. The last minute stuff (last couple hours) was done by yours truly. I have learned a thing or two from Oreo, however, its stressful and wont become a regular thing anytime soon. But I was happy to see our projections ring true.

I swapped Wes Johnson for Amir Johnson. I just can't play Amir. I think he had his best night of the season lol. If Wes didn't also have a great night I would have kicked myself.

Thanks. The last minute stuff (last couple hours) was done by yours truly. I have learned a thing or two from Oreo, however, its stressful and wont become a regular thing anytime soon. But I was happy to see our projections ring true.

Nice job Dave.

Keep up the good work.

Sadly I didn't play the default FC Lineup, but still scored in the 290's and high 280's

I totally agree, great comeback lineup! I truly appreciate all
you guys do, and I think the monthly fee is worth every penny! It saves me hours and wayyyyyyy more times than not, the FC projected lineups are winners. I enjoy researching and learning, I just don't always have the time to do as much as I need to during the day...thank you!