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Replied To: PGA


Im in! Now that NBA is coming to an end and no NFL...I've started researching and trying my hand at PGA. I really like it and watch it. I've tried MLB, but it's just not my thing at all. I've read a ton and even with cruncher...I'm bombing horribly.

I totally agree, great comeback lineup! I truly appreciate all
you guys do, and I think the monthly fee is worth every penny! It saves me hours and wayyyyyyy more times than not, the FC projected lineups are winners. I enjoy researching and learning, I just don't always have the time to do as much as I need to during the day...thank you!

Nice update, so helpful! You guys save me a ton of time. I'm a beginner at DFS, but love it and have learned a great deal these past few months. A lot of that is because of this site. The new feature is just another time saver in researching. Thank you for so working hard for all of us!