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Topic: missing T.Story today



add story ASAP please!

yeah no shit. guy hits 2 hrs you think he'd be available. nope.

can you guys please email support with anyone missing in the future, this would have been taken care of right away that way. We dont get notified immediately of forum posts.

Also, this is very easy to do, you can access the support email directly under the HELP > Contact Us menu at the top. This will notify us of an issue immediately and we will address them.

let me know an exact email address. i'm on this first thing in the morning. i have no problem taking the initiative here when i can.

Pretty simple stuff....

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd story homers again..remarkable.

fantasy cruncher has 22.28 projected points for wednesday 4/6 on him.

as my investment advisor "uncle jimmy the loan shark" says...
past performance is not indicative of future results.
he'll take the "under" today