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Pretty simple stuff....

looks good now..thanks boys

Am i doing something wrong?

everytime i push calculate.......nothing

Never had this issue in over a year of using the site

i am pretty sure they are updating but the time stamp isnt working...the lineups now look much different than the ones around 430pm.

I couldn't get on at lock AGAIN today...

Hahah I know it! I just got my 2nd win Saturday afternoon... Both around 500 people though

Has to be 1000 or more teams CeeGee or I would have posted my victory from Sunday....

I've seen a lotta cruncher lineups up top last couple days...may be a good time to give it a try

i am having better luck making my own without using the optimizer unfortunately.

just saw that before i checked here...pretty nifty

Replied To: NBA Salary


Were you on fanduel instead of draft kings?

Pretty please?!?

Were you looking at mccallum vs McCollum?

One is 4500 and the other 4800 lol

Replied To: PGA


I have no problem being #6

Did anyone use a late only lineup last night from FC for Draft Kings(4/7)?!?!?!

It went 325.75 untouched from the cruncher. It was not the #1 option, but one of the top 10 I liked so well i rolled it...killed it.

Kudos boys!

You posted too early:

Oh my.....-27?!?!

Gotta love 1st week of baseball

There's something on your nose... Brown in color ... Lol ;)

-12.05 between them in the 1st inning on DK...hahaha ouch!!!


Few guys not in starting lineups but making it into some of the top projected lineups... That's not a good start...

My turbo on DK had harden cuz and Westbrook

sorry dave...bad bad weekend

I know you shouldn't have to post your personal life out there for all of us...

If you guys have another trip or something comes up where updates will not be taking place and it is known ahead of time, post it.

One fair warning to us all...the entire community would tell you to have a blast and we will totally understand!

Key phrase "used to"

different times of lobbies have been tipping all day on draft kings...last update at noon....this is sad

If I am out to dinner I check the site for updates, so if nothing is updated on Hawks and sitting guys than why would I think anything of it? Thought it was odd that there was no update since 2:03 but thought that maybe they were sticking with the projections from 2:03. In retrospect, I should have gone on Twitter, but I relied on a site I am paying for and trust. So stop trying to defend them. So I am a little annoyed when I put a team out that puts up 270 points and wins no money because an $8200 player did not play causing me to be a guy short.

I'm sorry, in my opinion, you can't play any lineup blindly with no knowledge of the daily events. I don't really care if the site is Free or Cost $12 per like FC, you shouldn't play any lineup blindly.

If you follow anyone on twitter, anyone related to the NBA, or DFS whatsoever you would have known that the Hawks players were out in about 5 seconds[/quote]

It's as simple as is not a matter of skill level or what research we should or should not do.

The devs get paid and make money for this site because they provide a service to us.

I get paid to go to my job and perform a service. If I get paid but stand my office up and don't show, it is highly

So why is it acceptable that this service wasn't provided to us today while they still get paid?

You can tell us how we should handle if no update is done to the site like it should be... But that doesn't change the fact that the second you start charging for a service it becomes a business. And not being reliable is bad business....

i'm all ears....updates have been few and far between lately, and now this

i dont blame you...complete bs

yup... if this keeps up, paying customers will be leaving left and right

This is getting bad...I would not complain if this was a free website...but its not :(

again today...lots of news is now an hour before lock and no update in 4 hours?!?!!

Yes please!

Replied To: Time Issue


It still seems like something is off...

Two updates all afternoon and it seems like there are normally 4-5 right up to the latest breaking news a few mins before tip.

Hopefully someone is fixing?