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Topic: Phoenix Projections


You can find my projections on my twitter at donofantasybb

You can find my projections on my twitter at donofantasybb

i linked them for you here...

We do have a pretty conservative Projection for Harvick considering his recent success in Phoenix. I am not an expert at NASCAR so I am curious to see how it unfolds, paying attention these days is actually making me become more of a fan.

btw yukerboy, you should be able to post links now that you are past 5 posts.

Ran of few of the crunches based off your projections and finished in the money (and had some company with some fellow crunchers lol)
Thanks for your work.

i loaded them up and the top lineup it spit out was...
a. dillon
t. dillon
dale jr
c. elliot
k harvick
j. logano
an impressive 391.25 points with a 50/50 cash line around 250.
another awesome week for yukerboy's projections

Would have been better, but Logano having to pit in the last ten Laps really hurt. Dropped me from 6x my entry fees to 3x.