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Go to Show Advanced Options (right above calculate best teams button) ... Set minimum team salary to 59,000

Yup, that was the one

Well done yet again. Ran the Top 5 Crunches in Double Ups and GPPs and came out positive in both.

Ran of few of the crunches based off your projections and finished in the money (and had some company with some fellow crunchers lol)
Thanks for your work.

So putting some lines together, and Ish Smith generated into one, but it has him matched up versus Orlando. Just wanted to know if the Cruncher is still processing him playing for New Orleans and vs Orlando or are the numbers Philly versus Utah?

With Lillard out, McCollum is about as much as a must play on slates like last night as there can be. He's playing point guard, so add more facilitating points on top of his scoring. He will most certainly hit value and if you're lucky like last night go off.

Man on man ... that OBJ TD ... what an effort though, Oreo. Now go get some Gatorade, I'm sure you're dehydrated. #TheSweatWasReal

Hope you land yourself a new shirt tonight, Oreo... oh, and maybe a few extra $$$ too. Good luck! Enjoy the sweat


an invisible +/- 8% per thumb up/down. Users asked for an easy way to give a boost through "liking" a player.

So i know someone mentioned in another thread somewhere that you try not to update the projections once games are underway as it affects the rewind the next day. Is there a way to maybe save the database at different states of the night? For example looking at NBA rewind last night I can see it was update at 8:22, and so some of the projections are different from when I was looking over them before main lock yesterday.

So I guess what I'm saying/asking is ... is it possible to let the users use rewind based on the time of the projections they used. And is it possible to have multi-points to reference to when using rewind (for those who may enter later evening slates)

Replied To: NHL Score?


If I remember correctly mid to upper 30s gets you in the green for cash games, and in the 40s for GPP.

DraftKings Cruncher lineup doesn't mesh with DK Format. It's creating 2C 2LW 2RW 2D 1G ... needs to be 2C 3W (no left/right designation) 2D 1 G 1Util/Flex

Posted Topic: NHL


Just wondering the status of NHL cruncher.

This problem should be corrected now.

Not on my end. Can't sort player, select all, or switch to locks, injuries, excluded players or anything of that nature.

No players in the database cruncher for Thursday night teams

Looking back and comparing Rewind's Actual Points vs my contests for FanDuel and I noticed that return TDs were not being counted. Jarvis Landry shows 10.7 pts (scored 16.7) Dolphins D shows 9 points (scored 15) etc.

Edit: Just checked DraftKings Rewind and Return TDs aren't accounted their as well.