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Topic: Next Day Player Pool


Any chance the next day's NBA player pool could be available before midnight each day? For those of us with day jobs and family, it is tough to make updates during the day so I'd like to be able to set my projections the night before (way before midnight). Generally, atleast on DK, the next day's players and salaries are posted very early the day before so I would think this is possible.

Any chance the next day's NBA player pool could be available before midnight each day? For those of us with day jobs and family, it is tough to make updates during the day so I'd like to be able to set my projections the night before (way before midnight). Generally, atleast on DK, the next day's players and salaries are posted very early the day before so I would think this is possible.

Amen to this. Pretty difficult to start from scratch during work in the morning and still be productive. I was actually going to request this tonight as well.

Ya this one hurts me quite a bit. I have started using another site to do my next day research and As I use it more its taking me away from FC even though they have less crunching features. With how stiff the competition is these days Every edge you can get is important.

I will work with Jeff and get the next day slate rolled over sooner. We have the data, but the projections may not be completely updated until later. I will see how early we can start rolling over to the next day.

I'll take the functionality over the projections. Having last 5 game average as a filler works as a great place holder until more refined projections are ready to go.


I will work with Jeff and get the next day slate rolled over sooner. We have the data, but the projections may not be completely updated until later. I will see how early we can start rolling over to the next day.

That would be great. At least we can set all the player exposures and whittle down the player pool by getting rid of the scrubs and also the injured players who are definitely out. Then the next day we might just have to make minor tweaks. Thank you.