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Replied To: Site down


Not good.

Has the cruncher speed diminished over last couple weeks? It is taking me ~10 minutes to crunch 150 lineups in NBA with no parameters set (ie. no stacks or other filters). I feel like it was super fast earlier in the year. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this? With no late swap and constant changes to NBA lineups up to the last minute, the need to crunch bulk lineups in 1 minute or less is extremely important now for people who max enter contests. The RG builder (which I personally don't use as I prefer FC's interface) does 150 lineups in 2 seconds so I'm sure FC could figure out a way to speed it up. Thanks

missing john wall, anthony davis, dwight howard, dirk, etc...

Please fix the NBA DK pool today....WAS/TOR/PHI aren't showing up

LOVE the first 2 updates.

Any chance the next day's NBA player pool could be available before midnight each day? For those of us with day jobs and family, it is tough to make updates during the day so I'd like to be able to set my projections the night before (way before midnight). Generally, atleast on DK, the next day's players and salaries are posted very early the day before so I would think this is possible.

Now that the automatic export is banned, could you please make the "saved lineups" screen exportable in DK CSV format? I do a number of crunches based on different variables. I don't want to have to load multiple CSVs especially with NBA injury news happening at the last second. There isn't enough time.