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Topic: Request: Adding notes to 'my lineups'


This would be tremendously helpful if I could just add a note to a lineup like "dk cash" or "victiv gpp 1" etc

You can use the title for the note currently. We may expand on this in the future. Where it says "Fanduel_1" at the bottom of the card just click on there and you can change the name. Double clicking will highlight the whole word so you can just type away.

I just posted a similar topic

Can we alter this after they have been saved? It doesn't seem like we can at the moment.

You have to click in the field in the bottom left - the cursor will activate. Rename just refocus/click the mouse outside of the field and it will save it. At least that's how it works in Chrome.

I just posted a similar topic

Can we alter this after they have been saved? It doesn't seem like we can at the moment.

Not at the moment, I will be changing this in the near future.