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For an example, Jordan Zimmerman right now has his average on this site listed as 19.4 points . . . but when I check on Draftkings it has his average points listed at 7.5. What's causing the discrepancy?

The Cruncher is spitting out some invalid lineups for Draftkings. DK requires you to field hitters from at least 3 different teams and it's using some two team only stacks.

cool! I look forward to it!

If not this would be a great feature. I'd like to physically get some lineups next to each other to compare them.

Replied To: MLB Updates


will there be time stamps on the cruncher to show when it's been updated?

Replied To: 5 day average


I second having the ability to filter the average to 10 days instead of the season. Maybe even having the 10 day average be the default.

Cruncher seems to be throwing out a 9 person lineup for DK, with the 9th position listed as "8.5"

Lineup rewind seems to be messed up too, posting 12 player draft king teams

Perron (PIT) seems to be missing from the player pool

Seems to be fixed now . . .

Posted Topic: Cruncher Broken?


Just ran the draftkings cruncher and it's making teams out of 15 players

I just posted a similar topic

Can we alter this after they have been saved? It doesn't seem like we can at the moment.

Unless I'm missing something, can you name a lineup after it has been saved? If NOT, this would be a great feature to add because I occasionally forget to name them before saving them.

If you CAN do this, then it is not working for me - when I refresh the My Lineups page the names don't stick.

Can't wait to see it!

Messing around with the optimizer you will occasionally get a team that is made up of 3 or even 4 players from the same team. A way to restrict how many total players from one team get plugged into the lineup would be a great feature.

NBA rewind today is giving back "nulls"

Today's NHL rewind is also returning mostly "null"

Posted Topic: Larry Drew II


I don't see Larry Drew II in the player pool for draft kings - MCW is ruled out

I second this, being able to fade just an entire team rather than the whole game would be nice