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Collin Cowgill, Jonathan Schoop and Eric Young Jr. are missing for today

Mike Olt is also not there

John Mayberry, Yasiel Puig and Victor Martinez also

like the title says

Posted Topic: NCAAB?


I just wanted to know if it would be possible to use FC for College Basketball. I don't need the projections (although it wouldn't hurt :P) or anything like that, I want to be able to use FC's super quick optimizing to make lineups for CBB.

This would be tremendously helpful if I could just add a note to a lineup like "dk cash" or "victiv gpp 1" etc

Just a heads-up and a suggestion:
If I add my own projections and one of the players projected points exceeds the previous max value, that player will not show up on the main screen. Is there any way that the sliders could adjust to the maximum value on the board instead of being a set value for that specific day?

Thanks for the great tool!