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Topic: How the fuck does this keep happening?


You need to explain and tell us exactly what you're doing to have this never happen again.

Did all of the white label sites you sell to also go down, like GuruElite?

How is it possible that none of the other sites go down like this and you do consistently?

I'm honestly starting to wonder if you're being paid to sabotage your own service so that other DFSers can profit.

Someone should look into it, seriously.

Yes, all white labeled partner sites went down as well.

There was a misconfiguration made by our server admin, it was a mistake, it was done early this morning. This was something he was working on to mitigate these types of issues in the future, but there was a simple mistake made, which was exposed around peak traffic time today. It was corrected, but maybe too late for some.

How do you not test before deploying to live servers? Load balance? Stress test with tens of thousands of simultaneous users? I could write scripts to simulate usage in my sleep.

This is basic, basic stuff.