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Topic: Force consecutive lineup order stacks


Would be nice to be able to force 2, 3 or 4 consecutive lineup order stacks using the optimizer instead of manually having to do it..

I have an update coming out very soon (this week I believe) that will address the MLB stacking on FC. Its not exactly what you are requesting, but I think it will suffice and you will be able to use it to produce the results you are after.

Cant wait!

You said there was an update coming, on 4/16, to address MLB stacking. Is there an ETA for this?

I have an update coming out very soon (this week I believe) that will address the MLB stacking on FC. Its not exactly what you are requesting, but I think it will suffice and you will be able to use it to produce the results you are after.

Either I missed this update. Or else it didn't happen. If it didn't happen, is it still being worked on?
