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Topic: fanduel "mixup" for baseball


free game today (4/27) starting at 1:05
2 pitchers
3 utility batters
35K salary cap
it looks like you can stack all 3 utility players from the same team as long as you have 2 pitchers from other teams.
i'm expecting massive amounts of ties with the smaller amount of player combinations.

They are planning to change the format frequently as well, so it will not always be the same. We have not determined if we will support these or not at this time. If there is demand, then we will figure out a way!

and the carnival barker said...
step right up young man and play our shiny new game...
it's called mix-up for baseball and it's real fun...
the young man replied "geezus, this game has a 15 percent rake. are you guys a bunch of crooks?
you should charge less rake on new games to get people interested."

the carnival barked shouted... shut up kid and move along. you're hurting my business.