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Topic: Color Coding


Can you explain the color coding for a player's historical results? They don't seem to make much sense. For example, I'm looking at JJ Nelson on DK. His historical scores are 5, 1, 3.9, 27.9, 11.8, 5.9, 0, 3.4, 2.1. For some reason, you have 5, 1, and 3.9 as Red whereas 2.1, 3.4, and 5.9 are green. I think everything should be red except the 27.9 and it throws me off for a few seconds.

Whatever the logic is, can you consider changing it? Thanks.

red means they under performed the projection for that week, and green means the out performed their projection.

Not sure why, but I was just thinking about this again. Wouldn't it make more sense to color the player results according to scale normalized -- either for the slate or season? And then coloring the projection green if it was a decent projection or red if was way off? When I look at the player's history, I want to see if they doing well in a objective frame of reference, not vs a particular projection.

Yeah.... I'm a weirdo, but it drives me nuts to see guy with a crappy game colored green just because he beat the site's projections. It was still a bad game.

Obviously, this should be a super low priority request, but can you consider "fixing" this someday?

This actually has been something I have thought about for a while now. I think the scale should be a factor of the salary, that would likely be the most appropriate and accurate way to visualize that data. I am working on an update that should be out very soon, I will look to get this included.