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Topic: Stacking RB with D


I'm trying to stack a RB with the Def of the same team and it keeps putting 2 RB from the same team with the Def...I tried changing it to 2 players to a team max and then it gives an error message.


Looks like we've got a bug. You can accomplish what you want by setting DST with 1 RB rather than RB with 1 DST. But we'll get on fixing the bug. Thanks for letting us know.

Yeah, for now the simple solution is as taicheeze mentioned, you just go in reverse, stacking your DST with your RB. The issue is, since its making these stacks by position, when you stack RB with DST, all the running backs need to be paired with the DST. So you end up with lineups that have both RBs with the DST. If you go in reverse, you have to have your DST with 1 RB and since there is only 1 slot for DST it works as expected. Im not sure how we are going to address this in the future, it is a semi bug, I was aware of it when I wrote this piece of code, but its working as it is told its just not what most people would expect for it to do. Hopefully this makes sense.

Thanks guys for the quick response, I didn't think of reversing it so it's all good now. I really like what you guys added, might have to come guys adding a stacking feature for NHL this year?

Thanks guys for the quick response, I didn't think of reversing it so it's all good now. I really like what you guys added, might have to come guys adding a stacking feature for NHL this year?

Yes! It will be slightly different as well, since you will be stacking lines there and not positions.