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Topic: Thumbs up/Thumbs down


Are these just used for personal preference to note what players might be preferred (with one/two/three thumbs up or thumbs down), or do they somehow affect the player that is chosen more often by the system when running the crunch, in addition to the projections?

They are a quick way to change the projections, which may affect the player's chosen. They work in increments of 8%, so 2 thumbs up = +16%, 3 thumbs down = -24%. So you have a range of (-24%, -16%, -8% +8%, +16%, +24%). Its really just a quick way of making minor adjustments without needing to do the math. If someone is projected at 10 points, and you give him 3 thumbs up, the system will adjust him to 12.4 during calculations. You could simply adjust the projection if you wanted, or you can use thumbs. It really comes down to personal preference.