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I don't this data included in players' results. It occurred the same weekend as the World Golf Championship. Any way this can be input?


I resolved this. Switched from Chrome to Firefox and it worked.

The lineup upload to the FC Draft site is not working for me. After I download the template, paste the lineups in from the CSV generated on FC, the progress wheel in the upload window just spins and spins. I've tried formatting the CSV different ways with my pasted lineups and uploading again, but the same thing happens. Not sure if something is wrong with the formatting in the template I downloaded when Excel opens it on my computer, or something else. On a related item, what does "Proper formatting follows the sample lineup below where each line must contain exactly 11 commas and no blank lines allowed" mean in the instructions? I don't see commas anywhere in the template.


The lineup upload to the FC Draft site is not working for me. After I download the template, paste the lineups in from the CSV generated on FC, the progress wheel in the upload window just spins and spins. I've tried formatting the CSV different ways with my pasted lineups and uploading again, but the same thing happens. Not sure if something is wrong with the formatting in the template I downloaded when Excel opens it on my computer, or something else. On a related item, what does "Proper formatting follows the sample lineup below where each line must contain exactly 11 commas and no blank lines allowed" mean in the instructions? I don't see commas anywhere in the template.


When using stacks, it would be useful to see the % exposure usage for each team stack was shown, similar to the way the individual percent is for each player. Also, the ability to drill down into each team in this stack output to see the percent used for each player within the team stack. For example, to be able to see that a Toronto stack was used 26% of the time, and then view the overall percent usage for each player within that team stack (e.g. Jose Bautista was used X%, Melvin Upton X%, Russell Martin X%, and so on).

Of course, some variation of this would also be good to see for NFL and NHL to understand the stack usage that is being output. :)


Are these just used for personal preference to note what players might be preferred (with one/two/three thumbs up or thumbs down), or do they somehow affect the player that is chosen more often by the system when running the crunch, in addition to the projections?