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Topic: Historical Color Coding


How does the color coding work under a player's historical FP outputs? I thought I had it figured out but now looking at Whiteside games on 1/03 and 12/31 I'm confused.

What are the tiers for color coding? If they are value related are they using the player's past or current salary?

I've always thought the codes were used in relation to the players projected points, compared to what he actually produced.

I just respond via email, but will post this here as well for anyone else who has a similar question:

The color codes are the players actual fantasy points compared to projected fantasy points.

Dark Green - greater than 1.5x
Light Green - between 1.25x and 1.5x
Pale Green - between .9x and 1.25x

Pale Red - between .75x and .9x
Light Red - between .5x and .75x
Dark Red - Less than .5x

So for Whiteside on 1/03 he scored 24 points which is exactly 1.5x of his projected score, so it just barely fell into the cutoff of the light green. On 12/31 we projected him for 0, so anything he scored would be a dark green.

Hope this helps. If you have any questions please let me know.

IMO these would be greatly improved if they were color coded to reflect value based on the current salary. Like dark green for 6x+ gradually shading down to light green for 4x, then maybe light red for <4x gradually shading to dark red for <2x. That would give us a quick idea how the player has been performing from a value standpoint at the current salary.