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Topic: draftkings now allowing (make your own) 200 player contests


they upped it from 100.
i guess all those groups that put in the exact same lineups were tired of only being able to put in 40-50 guys on their trains.
now they can put 80 to 95 on without jamming everyone into smaller leagues.
deeep sigh... oh for the days when you saw the same exact score by only a few people, then it became 10 people, then 10's of people.
i was in a 100 person 50/50 contest a few weeks ago that had 38 people with the exact same lineup. just sickening.

Are you aware of the new DK guidelines that they released just yesterday?

This is actually pretty big news, they are cracking down on "Touts", "Lineup Sellers", "Lineup providers" whatever you want to call them, they are all the same thing. This has been quite the rage on twitter the past day or so. I expect Draftkings to monitor duplicate lineups, and when users have duplicate lineups more than once, I'm sure they will get an email letting them know of DKs policies, and will be threatened that they will get banned from playing on DK if they continue to do so. This will effectively discourage anyone from buying lineups, and when that happens the seller's go out of business. I really applaud this move by DK, I have always felt this type of business to be at best a hustle and at worse an outright scam. If these guys were really that good, they would simply put the lineups in themselves and clean up, but they make more money by selling these lineups to people who just wanna believe.