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Topic: Stacking


How is the stacking feature any different than setting the minimum players from a team to 2 to 5? Any thoughts to adding an option so that the stack must be sequential? Or that the stack can't be any higher than a certain place in the batting order.

It's different because you can put in multiple teams and it'll pick from the list of multiple teams. And you can add more than 1 stack. So, it finds you the highest projected score among stacked lineups. You won't find another optimizer that can do this (yet, our competitors like to copy us).

You can add more than one stack at the same time? Like 4 and 4? Right now I am only getting one teams stacks and 4 random players (on fanduel)

I am an idiot. Need to hit the plus button twice. Thanks

Is there a tutorial/FAQ for stacking? I know there was a post in the forums a while back but without a forum search feature its kinda hard to track down.

Is there any way to do a "unique stack" setting like you already have for non-stacking lineups? So for example, I want want a 4 and 4 stack on fanduel. Each time it would switch at least one team if I select 1 unique stack.

When I try the current Unique player settings and set it to 4 or 5, it doesn't really work like that.

Just want to say how amazing the latest updates are.

Hopefully, you have something similar for NFL. I'd love to be able to list out my QB-WR stacks and have it generate them all instead of last year's process (lock 'em, run it, export, unlock, lock different ones, run it, export, unlock... x20).