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Topic: small feature req


So when we upload custom projections, we get a pop-up window now noting which names didn't match.

Is there any way to easily list these guys with the line-number that they are on, so we can find them? Rather than scrolling through the list trying to read all the names?

For example if instead of saying following players didn't match: "J J Henry 50pts" or whatever just have it be like "133: JJ Henry 50 pts" ...

I mean, really simple, if it's an easy patch and you guys are tinkering some day, keep it in mind, but no big deal. Maybe I'm the only one with this "problem" heh ... I just start scrolling through that list of names and they all run together and next thing you know I've forgotten what player I'm even looking for ...

Just a thought I had ... totally a convenience item ..

Just wanted to say, I see that this has been added, and I am using it, and it is such a really nice little minor convenience!


I added it specifically because you requested it. We definitely try to add in as many user requests as possible, I am glad you like it.