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Topic: is NEXUS from draftkings on fantasycruncher?


if you are, i have a question for you...
do you and
1) dallas1fan21
2) punishow
3) ben304
4) jwildman5
all buy your lineups from somebody or are you a group that plays the exact same lineups everyday based on a group set of picks?

not that i care, i'm just really curious because most nights it's you 5 guys or a combination of the five of you in the NBA or baseball with the exact same lineup. when you guys played trains of colorado rockie stacks (at home) in baseball last season i crushed you guys more nights than you beat me, so feel free to keep doing it in baseball. i also got the best of you guys in the NBA last night an it looks like i'm doing it again tonight.
also i'm curious of how much it sucks when you finish tied for 25th (times five players) and those $1.80's become $0.36's when you tie in 50 person 50/50's?
appreciate the cash you guys are throwing out there.... peace

Why in gods name would you call out people who are subsidizing you? You broke a commandment there!

do you think they'll stop doing it?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... that's funny.
actually what's funny was on a short slate on draftkings i entered 2 (10) person 50/50's and if all 5 of them entered the same contest they'd either scoop the whole pool, of just get a slice of it and lose money as a group.
so they split 2 in one 50/50 and 3 played in another.