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Topic: Player Pool weirdness on 12/2


This isn't your highest priority, I know, but I figured I'd report it in the event this is indicative of a larger problem. I was only able to replicate this on 12/2.

The linked image shows two different player pools, one up top in the ALL area that shows 179 players in the pool, and the player pool down at the bottom that shows only 114 players. Every player was checked (you'll have to trust me on that, can't really show them all in the screen shot.) I ended up getting weird lineups based on the criteria I was putting in and couldn't figure out why - then I saw these odd counts.

Anyway, hope this is helpful. Also, I am reporting this as an observation from the Lineup Rewind, I don't think this actually happened for the live cruncher that day.

Thanks for pointing it out on this day. Long story short, we had an issue with the DVP team names, and it was causing an error, which then caused the filter to remove the players that had this error. Should be good now.