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Topic: Batting order in lineup projection


The batting order is already in the player pool which is great. I heard some stat today that DFS players that use lineups with the lowest player in the batting order being 5 or higher won 51% of the time, while DFS players who used players in positions beyond that were succesful less than 49% of the time. I would just like to be able to see that players batting order position in the lineup that is projected. I know you guys are doing a good job at using the highest lineup position as possible but when making multiple lineups it would be easier to see it in that lineup without having to go up to the player pool to find it.

Yep, I agree. I was working on implementing this exact thing today. It should be out in production sometime this week.

This would be great. I'd also add the green/yellow icon indicating whether the player has been confirmed as a starter. Would be great to be able to tell at a glance which lineups include either players late in the lineup or possibly not playing at all.

Hopefully this comes soon. One feature I'm really looking forward to!

Yes, including batting order and if confirmed (yellow/green icon) is another one of those updates I'm holding my breath for. :)

Am I missing something? I think this is there :)

No, it is not quite implemented just yet. They need to be listed in the lineups that are produced, so you can see at a glance that all of your players are confirmed or not, and in what order they will be batting.

No, it is not quite implemented just yet. They need to be listed in the lineups that are produced, so you can see at a glance that all of your players are confirmed or not, and in what order they will be batting.

Correct, this would be an amazing visual improvement and time saver.

This feature has been pushed out live. Also, clicking on a players name to bring up their stat window will show the players avg and batting hand vs the opposing pitchers era and throwing hand.

Freaking awesome, thanks!