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Topic: Must haves


The more I work on lineup construction, especially for GPPs, the more I'm coming around to the following as being must have tools.

1. The ability to construct a roster that does not include any of the hitters the pitcher for that lineup is facing. It should probably be the default setting, and a person would have to uncheck something in advanced options to allow for hitters from an opposing team of the starting pitcher in that particular lineup.

2. % Exposure - this is the big one for me. I'm actually going to the trouble of learning how to code this myself because nobody else is offering it. I absolutely need to be able to choose a player, or group of players that I "like" that day and then assign a percentage ownership to them, so that when the Cruncher spits out my lineups, I'll have the appropriate number of "shares" of each player I want. I'm astonished that this hasn't already been done. It's just critical.

3. Custom # of lineups. Right now, there are a list of solid choices for the number of lineups to generate, but it'd be ideal to allow me to specify the number I want, so that I can adhere to the % exposure numbers in #2. I sometimes want 40 lineups, sometimes 75.


1. Is very close to becoming the default as you mentioned.

2. This is so much easier said than done and is why you haven't seen it implemented just yet. The problem is the lineups are created independently, not as a group. It may be possible to LIMIT a player to a maximum usage %, but I really dont think that is as useful as if you set a player to 40% and then you calc 100 lineups and that player gets used in 40 of the top 50 lineups, he simply would drop out of the next 50 all together. Thats not really ideal. If you have an idea of how to code it, maybe its something I havent considered, feel free to send it into and we could discuss it further.

3. I agree with you here, we need a better way to allow a user to type in any arbitrary number but still make it simple and user friendly. I will see what I can come up with tonight on this.

"This is so much easier said than done and is why you haven't seen it implemented just yet. The problem is the lineups are created independently, not as a group"

Thanks Dave, I understand and sympathize. I have the "luxury of the uninvolved" in my feature requests :)

You wrote that the lineups were generated independently, but I wonder if that's totally true. There's already a default and configurable setting called Unique Players that makes me think that the lineups must be "aware" of one another on a group level, at least to some degree. This just takes that logic a step further and asks the code to check previous lineups and do a count and a calculation on player usage so far.

Simple example: (let's pretend we're constructing 10, 3-player roster)

I like the following players at their respective positions and % exposures:

1. King Felix - 50%
2. Clayton Kershaw - 30%
3. Andrew Cashner - 20%
4. Miggy Cabrera - 40%
5. Goldy - 40%
6. Ortiz - 20%
7. Vogt - 70%
8. Norris - 20%
9. McCann - 10%

The lineups would run like this (using a 1 unique player setting)

1. Felix, Miggy, Vogt
2. Felix, Miggy, Norris
3. Felix, Miggy, McCann
4. Felix, [Can't use Miggy because there needs to be unique player, switch to next 1B], Goldy, Vogt
5. Felix, Goldy, Norris
6. [Felix's 50% allocation is used up, switch to:] Kershaw, Miggy, Vogt
7. Kershaw, [No more Miggy, his 40% is done], Goldy, Vogt
Kershaw Goldy, [Norris 20% is up, use:] McCann. Oops, McCann's 10% is used up. Any other combos left to use? [DEAD LINEUP]
8. Kershaw, Ortiz, Vogt
9. Cashner, Goldy, Vogt
10. Cashner, Ortiz, Vogt

And, the percentages work out perfectly.