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Topic: MLB Projections


I'm a little concerned on just how good FC can / will be at projecting the sport of MLB.

Unlike NBA, I'm not sure how you to make solid, reliable daily projections in an event based sport like MLB.

In the NBA, there is minutes, which can be easily predicted and can lead to some spot on projections... "Minutes = Money" as they say in NBA... In MLB however, I'm not sure there is any statistic that is "predictable" to the point of building a projection system like this...

The MLB, imo more closely resembles NHL, in the fact that there isn't as much scoring and it is extremely event based for the most part... I've ran through some of the NHL rewinds and haven't seen nearly the amount of "high scores" as I've seen in the NBA... However, I see allot of "null" when using the NHL rewind so that could be why, I'm not sure on that...

Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how you guys put this together...

We are very aware of the differences in the MLB and have some plans to accommodate the lineup creation. We will be focusing a lot more time and energy getting MLB right, as the traffic is there to justify spending manpower.