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Topic: MyData rules not being respected


I have several rules in Cruncher that flat out just aren't being followed. Crunches are coming back with results that don't meet minimum restrictions.

Are those restrictions working properly?

There is a small bug with the "my rules" that I am aware of and have on my list to get corrected. This will happen on values of 0.

For example, let's say you want to put a 1 or a 0 in for a player, indicating if they are starting or not. If you try to do this and say you want each lineup to have > 8, meaning 8 starting players, this will not work. The bug is with 0 values, any value of 0 will be treated as a 1.

As a quick workaround for the above example, you can do something like set all players starting to a value of 10. Then say you want a minimum of 80 for that rule.

Let me know if you have an issue with a rule other that is different than this example and I will take a look.

I put two columns in of my own data, x and y, and made two rules:

1. MIN value for "x" of [insert number]
2. Min value for "y" of [insert number]

In the crunch, it returned many results that fell below the min values that I'd set for the lineup as a whole. I don't think the zero bug you mentioned would be in play here.

Sounds like it should work exactly as you expect. If you are having issues with it, please email and we can further assist you.

"If you are having issues with it, please email and we can further assist you"

The issue I'm having with it is that it doesn't work and it's not user error :) Have you verified that they're working as you intend?

Works for everyone else. If you need help please email. I’m closing this thread.