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Topic: July 2016 small update


I pushed out a minor update this morning, here are a couple of the things you may notice:

Pagination. I made a change to allow pages of players instead of showing the entire list. This has the benefit of speeding up page interactions such as sorting and filtering. You can test it out by setting the number of players to show at the bottom to All and sorting, and then setting it to only show 20 players and sort. It is much faster if it does not need to draw all of the players. If you do not like the pages, and want to go back to the previous way, you can turn off pagination from your profile: under settings.

Speaking of sorting, I made a change that a user requested and that has been a pet peeve of mine for a while, sorting the numeric fields in Descending order first. Previously you were probably clicking twice to sort by the highest projected players.

I fixed a few minor bugs that should improve the loading of the initial loading of the page. I also fixed a display issue that occurred to the player rows sometimes when switching between Pitchers/Hitters in MLB.

I also made a fix last week I wanted to make everyone aware of, it was a fix for the saving of data between refreshes, you should no longer have any issues when refreshing the page and losing any data (players selected / locks / likes / exposures ) This was a problem sometimes previously, but should be completely fixed now.

[EDIT 7/24/2016]
I just wanted to point out an issue brought up by one of FC's users. The select all checkbox could become frustrating if you are trying to select all or none and are using pagination, it will only select/deselect from that page. If you want to select all/none, you probably want to go to the bottom and turn the pagination to showing All. Also, whatever you set this to, when you refresh the page it will stay the same, so if you dont want to turn pagination off completely you can change it to All and it is basically not using it, but you can always turn it back on easily.
[EDIT 2 7/25/2016]
The above issue has been fixed, with pagination turned on, the select all / none / my projections will treat the pages as 1 list.

just so you know, some of us REALLY appreciate the constant goal of making this tool better and better (week after week and month after month)

Thanks crashthe24, your name can actually make sense today, which not being a NASCAR guy I wouldn't have known without us supporting NASCAR DFS, sorry Gordon is in the optimal... :-)

These are really pretty minor updates, but I am working on some new features that should be pretty big and I know we can definitely keep getting better. When I run out of things to do, I can add soccer ;-) I have quite a few plans coming up, but as always I take a lot of inspiration and suggestions from you guys. I read every one of them and I do try to add most of the requests as quickly as possible. So to anyone else, if you have an idea you want to share please let us know in the Questions & feature request sub forum

I like the speed improvement from the pagination, but one drawback is that I have to switch it over to "ALL" before I do some global changes. Examples of global changes that are only effecting the current page: 1) selecting all, my projections, or none and 2) changing exposure levels for all visible from within the advanced settings.

Is it possible/reasonable for the global changes to apply to all 'pages' without me changing to "ALL"?


Also, thanks for fixing the sort. Even though I double click out of habit now, I'm sure I'll adapt soon enough. haha.

I like the speed improvement from the pagination, but one drawback is that I have to switch it over to "ALL" before I do some global changes. Examples of global changes that are only effecting the current page: 1) selecting all, my projections, or none and 2) changing exposure levels for all visible from within the advanced settings.

Is it possible/reasonable for the global changes to apply to all 'pages' without me changing to "ALL"?


Also, thanks for fixing the sort. Even though I double click out of habit now, I'm sure I'll adapt soon enough. haha.

I find myself still double clicking too out of habit :-)

After using the system a couple of days, I have determined you are right about the selection methods while pagination is turned on. I have made the exact changes you mentioned, so if you have pagination turned on, there really are no drawbacks now and all the selections/unselections will work as they have always.

Thanks for the feedback, if you have anymore please let me know!