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Topic: Salary changes


Maybe a green color or arrow for a player's salary that has increased and a red color for one that has decreased?

Maybe a green color or arrow for a player's salary that has increased and a red color for one that has decreased?

I assume you're talking about a player's salary in relation to the previous day/contest, correct?

On this same line...

Could we possibly add a salary history, similar to how Draftkings has theirs done?

This would help us see if a player is in fact a good value, or, if we're trying to jump on board too late

On this same line...

Could we possibly add a salary history, similar to how Draftkings has theirs done?

This would help us see if a player is in fact a good value, or, if we're trying to jump on board too late

Not sure how DK does it, will need to take a look. If you click a players name, there is the salary history listed as well, 3rd column from left.