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Topic: MMA 10/28/17 Main Slate


Marcelo Golm (9691655) is exporting as Marcelo Golm (0) when using the non-televised export option. Might also be the case on others not in the televised slate.

If you are making lineups for the televised slate, you will need to exclude the fighters that are not on the televised slate, so they are not in your lineups. This week the televised slate only includes fighters in fights 1-10, so just uncheck the fighters in fights 11 & 12:

Jarred Brooks
Deiveson Figueiredo
Marcelo Golm
Christian Colombo

++++ EDIT ++++

Sorry, I read the issue wrong. I see Golm's PlayerId is missing for the regular slate, I will get that corrected now.

Marcelo Golm now has the correct PlayerId

OK, now I'm working on the televised slate and the fighters in the export file all have zeros (i.e. Derek Brunson (0) ).

Checked twice to make sure :)

Make sure to refresh, that should not be happening right now.