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Topic: average cash line score for cash games


i was wondering if anyone (probably someone with a lot of experience) knew what the average cash line score is for cash games on fanduel? cash line meaning the minimum score required for being in the money. i understand that some nights the cash line might be 220 and some nights might be 290, but i'm trying to get an idea as to what this figure is over a long period of time.


sorry, forgot to mention this is for NBA

It varies from contest to contest (not by much but still varies) and I think the only way you can see what it was is if you were actually entered into that contest. I don't know if the major sites have this data available

hi Skyline,

I have figured out that it is based on the number of games in the specific contest. As a rule of thumb on both FD and draftkings, getting to 300 usually puts you in the money.

Contests with fewer games usually score lower. I've seen the cash line scores in a 2 game contest of 250 - 270 on some nights. Big nights with 11 or 12 games push the line as high as 350!! You can imagine what the top score is for that type of contest :)

Based on last week's games heads up my winning average was 270. My opponent's winning average was 268. In the 50/50's, on the games I cashed I averaged 280. The top score average was 310. The leagues and tourneys I saw had an average win total of 301, but the sample size is seven games.

Hope that helps and good luck