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Replied To: March Update


Will you have some version of "Rewind"? To me that's the greatest part about your basketball program.

Replied To: March Update


It looks like we can copy the pool now in addition to "ALL", that's nice...thank you. Nice move on the unlocking of players.

MLB is one week away....what's up? No rest for the weary!

Thanks for a great site.

Literally, no rest! Have been up all night, and this will be a long week. We will be ready to go for MLB by next Monday.[/quote]

Replied To: March Update


It looks like we can copy the pool now in addition to "ALL", that's nice...thank you. Nice move on the unlocking of players.

MLB is one week away....what's up? No rest for the weary!

Thanks for a great site.

Even if it's average minutes played per game that would be extremely helpful. Great site!

Based on last week's games heads up my winning average was 270. My opponent's winning average was 268. In the 50/50's, on the games I cashed I averaged 280. The top score average was 310. The leagues and tourneys I saw had an average win total of 301, but the sample size is seven games.

Hope that helps and good luck