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Topic: draftkings golf projections update


i know there is usually a monday night update with the projections, but i've never really paid attention to see if there is a wednesday afternoon or wed. night update.
i usually do golf prep tuesday night and really only look at bad weather on thursday as a possibility for changes by wednesday night.
if you typically have a decent sized projections update on wednesday, maybe i'll change my prep day.

so i guess the question is this, on a typical week, the golf projections...
A) don't change hardly ever after monday's update.
B) they change a little every week, but not too much to re-do all your research.
C) the changes are big enough each week so you should wait and do research on wednesday evening


To answer your question typically our projections don't change much for golf to where you would need to push doing your research to Wednesday evening. I would stick to the process that works best for you and if that has been to do them on Monday I would stay with that.

To answer your question typically our projections don't change much for golf to where you would need to push doing your research to Wednesday evening. I would stick to the process that works best for you and if that has been to do them on Monday I would stay with that.

Good advice, thanks rubberducky.