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Topic: Cruncher Speed


Has the cruncher speed diminished over last couple weeks? It is taking me ~10 minutes to crunch 150 lineups in NBA with no parameters set (ie. no stacks or other filters). I feel like it was super fast earlier in the year. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this? With no late swap and constant changes to NBA lineups up to the last minute, the need to crunch bulk lineups in 1 minute or less is extremely important now for people who max enter contests. The RG builder (which I personally don't use as I prefer FC's interface) does 150 lineups in 2 seconds so I'm sure FC could figure out a way to speed it up. Thanks

I've responded to most of this:

The reason why RG can do it quickly is because they don't actually solve for optimal solutions. We don't agree with this approach because then we don't know what we can say that our tool does. Because any human can make "valid" lineups, even very good ones.

Another approach that really speeds up calculation speed is to split your calc into multiple parts. If you want 20% exposure to a player, lock that player and calculate 30 lineups, exclude, lock a different player and "calculate more" You won't get overlapping lineups and it'll go much faster because of the lock.

I know the topic is cruncher speed but I'd still like to ask this. When making 150 lineups like that do you think its a good strategy to lock in a core of 3-6 players for the slate who I like then letting it calculate lineups or is it better to do a lower number of locked players like you mentioned above locking in 1 player at a time? I'm also a little confused as to how to use the advanced options better. I saw you can stack teams and use a percentage for each one do you mind elaborating on any good tips to use that to my advantage?

If you have a core of 3-6 player, you can throw them in a group and tell cruncher to select (exactly/at least) x amount of them. The more you lock, the faster it will go, but you will have less diversity in your lineups.

Is less diversity a bad thing if I like my core of players? Or is more diversity with a smaller core the better strategy?

That's for you to decide. If you want your core locked in every lineup, then don't let us get in your way. I'm just letting you know that the groups feature can give you a bit more flexibility with your core. We just want to make a tool that's as flexible as possible.