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Topic: Actual score/value data


Hi guys, I'd love to see the actual score/value data updated automatically, or sooner at least. And I know you guys obviously don't update projections after the start of the games, but what about when there are late-night contests? If you update the projections for the 9PM+ games doesn't that skew those projections when we use the LU Rewind feature for all games (because the earlier projections for the 9PM+ games are presumably overwritten)? Currently the LU Rewind for 1/17 says, "Last Updated 01/18/15 12:40 am EST," which seems strange. I'm just asking because I use the LU Rewind quite a bit to reanalyze my lineups, but if the projections are off even on just the later games it really hinders me from doing an apples-to-apples review. IDK how we could solve this, but it really would be great if we could have "identical" projections data for all games AND late games AND late-late games or however often the projections were updated throughout the night. So when I go back the next day I can select if I want to include the projections for the 7PM + games or the 9PM+ games or even the 10PM+ games or whatever times the projections were updated. Make sense?

I too would love to have this. This is something that could happen down the road, but it takes paying for a proper data api which runs in the 5 figures. If we grow large enough and can pay for that, its something I would love to do!

Maybe an alternate solution would be the ability to export or otherwise save projections? We already have the ability to import projections, right? If I could export or save projections before lock and then use them the next day to reanalyze my lineups (by importing those same lineups in Lineup Rewind) it seems like that would be a satisfactory solution.

Actually lineup rewind remembers your last projections, so if they weren't edited, they will be the default, if they were, they will be yours.

The problem is when admin edits the projections for the late games. I want to be able to see the projections as they were right before the 7PM lock in lu rewind the following day.

Hmmm. Okay, I see what you mean. We will have projection export coming soon. You will be able to export them, and re-import them into lineup rewind.

The problem is when admin edits the projections for the late games. I want to be able to see the projections as they were right before the 7PM lock in lu rewind the following day.

The solution to this is coming as well, this will be the ability to switch back and forth easily between your projections and FC projections.

I know this might be frustrating to OP, but as someone who plays as many slates per night as possible, I personally would love to see more updates before late night or afternoon slates.

Today I believe there were 4 slates total and I'm hoping there are updates before the late night and after hours games.

Any chance that will happen?

Sorry OP!

Yes, of course there should be updates for later slates. I think the admins see what we need here, we can already export projections with the "copy data" button, so it looks like all we need is the ability to import player projections into Lineup Rewind. That will permit us to re-create the pre-lock conditions for a particular contest (assuming we exported our data after the last update).

You are able to import projections into lineup rewind as I understand it. There is a player manager for lineup rewind as well. It works the same way.

I'll be damned, you're right! Thanks, so it looks like this will work great to re-create the pre-lock projections even if the projections for later games are further updated. Now I just gotta remember to save the projections before lock. :)

So far no updates for later slates...

Missed the 730 slate. I'm hoping they catch the 10pm one? only another 20 minutes or so before an update would become useless haha