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Topic: NFL idea


Any chance for a RB/DEF stacking option this year? Thanks!

I agree. Ultimately it would work best if we could just choose positions and add them to a stack, so we could theoretically create any type of stack we want.

Yeah, even an MLB-style stacking tool would be cool.... NFL team stacking is underrated! Might be the wave of the future.

Yup, that's what would separate this tool from the rest of the industry. There should be stacking options for every sport. Some more useful then others. Lines for NHL, Positions for NFL/NBA, etc.

Since the code is already done for baseball I assume it wouldn't be too extremely difficult to implement for other sports.

But I think (hope??) they are working on this already!

Just figured, I would add onto this post, but I would like to see stacking in NFL.
Stack QB with RB/TE/WR instead of just WR/TE.
would like to have the option for this please.

We have some new stuff in the works along the lines of what has been requested here.

Thanks Dave, you're the man.