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Topic: Scroll Bars on player pop out window not functioning



First post here, thought I'd throw in a suggestion for a bug fix.

I was looking at player histories by clicking on player names on NBA, and the pop out window looks great, but the scroll bars do not function properly. I'm able to use the mouse wheel to scroll through the player's history, but clicking and dragging the scroll bars drags around the entire window. I will include a picture with the pop out window I am describing. I have outlined it in red.

Also, if there is a way, it would be cool to be able to adjust the size of the pop out window by dragging the corners to the size the user prefers.

Thats funny, this is a pet peeve of mine. I fixed this once before too, but I think I copied old code to the live site. I will take care of this now. I will also look into making the box's size user adjustable.

ok, the first part is fixed.

Thanks Dave keep up the good work

Still might want to look into the scroll bar not being clickable/draggable.. do you have this issue as well? I can only mouse wheel scroll.

I do not have that issue, what browser are you using?

firefox, this may be the issue.

ahh firefox, I probably should have guessed. It is partially bad code (Im a bad coder that writes bad codez), partially FF rendering things wonky. I will put it on my list of things to address. Until then, I strongly suggest using chrome, its so good! :-)