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Topic: Update my projections while keeping crunched lineups


With the NBA season winding down injuries and last second scratches are a real pain. Would it be possible to update and re-import projections while still maintaining the crunched results? Kind of hard to explain but I want to keep my crunched results and use the new "filter" feature to remove a player that may have been scratched late and re-run the lineups with updated projections using the player manager tool.

I like this suggestion. When entering 50 lineups I would like to keep track of them on FC since it is nearly impossible on the DK website. Going to the player manager and back forces user to reconfigure options like min salary, max player per team, etc and to recrunch and re-eliminate unwanted lineups.

I do understand what you are saying, and we are looking into ways to save the state of the lineup cruncher, but its not a simple solution. This may happen in the coming months. In the meantime, I know the way I have heard Jeff 00oreo00 is using the system now, if late news occurs, he uses the filter in the player list to find all the generated lineups with the scratched player and deletes all of those lineups. He then creates X more lineups with his updated projections. Now the downside, you cant go to player manager and adjust the projections, but you can adjust a handful manually from the same page.

Thanks Dave the method Jeff is using is the same thing Im doing at the moment! Great product regardless and cant wait till you guys can implement this feature!