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Topic: Favorite Players


First let me tell you that you guys do a great job with this and I use this to help me project stats every day.

I do have a request to see if this would be possible.
Is there a way that we can mark the players as favorites. This does not mean I necessarily want to lock them in, but this creates a pool of players I like and then I would use the cruncher to create the lineup from that pool and add additional players if they do not fit into the projections. I think rotogrinders has a similar projections tool, but I like your projections better so that feature would be great.

I am not sure if it is allowed, but I can post the link to their tool if you do not already have it.
I am hoping I explained the request properly. Sorry, English is not my first language.


I am aware of their tool they put out. I have tried it, and I know I am biased but I like ours better :-) Feel free to link to it or any other site if you want, I am not naive enough to think we are the only tool or site out there and I am not worried about competition. I think the best tools will win in the end. With all that said, I do like the idea of having a favorite pool. I find myself using the tool and I know certain players that I want to exclude for sure, and then some players I am up in the air on. As a person who develops the tool and is a user, I think I can see the pain points pretty well and I will work to make this aspect better. Thanks a ton for the feedback.

I will try to improve this aspect of the lineup cruncher in the next release (about a week or so).