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Topic: Atlanta


New members are unable to post links, so the link to my projections to use here will be on my twitter feed donoffantasybb at 9:30AM EST.

These are the actual projections I'm using for Atlanta that you should be able to upload to fantasycruncher. As you are building lineups, keep in mind that top heavy is always better because that is where the value is at. There are almost no Ryan Andersons in NASCAR. You want the Currys, Westbrooks, and Cousinses.

to those nascar fans who don't know who those people are in his last sentence... (it's nba)
it's like trveor bayne jumping into a car that doesn't win full time and suddenly winning the biggest race of them all, like daytona a few years ago.
yes, it can happen, but stick with the big guns that'll get wins, lead laps or at least top 10's.