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Topic: Avoiding clustering of players


It'd be nice if there was an option to limit the number of times two players could be in the same lineup together. Usually, if I like say a PF and a C a lot in a given night, I'm fine having a lot of lineups that have both guys in them.

However, on a night like tonight where a PF and C I really like are on the same team, again--I don't mind them being in a few lineups together, but I'd like to limit the amount of times they're in the same lineup. I know I could specify that only 1 player from that team can be in the lineup, but then I'd be excluding other backcourt guys I like on that team.

Please let me know if there's a way to do this I'm not aware of, otherwise it'd be a nice feature. Thanks.

Maybe not ideal, but you could do 2 smaller runs -- once without the PF in your pool and once without the C.

We are working on an GPP specific addition to FC that will address this.

This would be an awesome feature. Let us know when it's ready!