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Does the new policy on 29 January mean we will no longer be able to upload lineups straight to DK?


Yes, unfortunately you will not be able to click a couple of buttons and have the lineups pushed over. We will however use their internal system of allowing the importing of a CSV file. So basically what will happen, you will click a button on FC to download a file of your lineups, then go to and upload that file. Its a little less convenient, but it is what they are now going to enforce. Kinda silly in my mind, since this is basically accomplishes the exact same thing, but I guess they want to have more control over the issue.

On top of that, since they've added CSV import, it doesn't mean that the people don't have a script could make those lineups anyway. It's pretty silly.

Ha, Funny. No change in operation for me, little more work yes. Thanks for the great product, I've made alot of money and will be a long time user.


I dont see a problem with it either....a little more work but not an issue!

I heard that with their new import feature. Players will not have the same Player ID. And that on the same day a player will have different player ID in different slates! :(