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Topic: Save / Load playerpools *BETA


We got a lot of requests to add a way to save your playerpool so you can pickup where you left off on another device. We have rolled out a solution in beta form that will allow this functionality. You can now click on "save playerpool" at the bottom of the player list and save the selected players to a file that you can load at a later time. Other ways you can utilize this, if you want to apply your player selections to a different site, so you can quickly go from site to site without a ton of changing. One thing to note, this currently only stores the Players selected, their lock and thumbs up/down status and their exposure setting. It does not currently save the players projections, we may add this in as an option in the future (it does complicate things a tad on our end). The players projections are still saved on our sever as they always have been, which is why we did not include this function just yet.

This is a beta version, so if you find any issues please let us know via email: . If you have any other questions please post them here.

This seems to be buggy for me. When I try and save it just says saving and never saves.