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Topic: Exposure Settings version 1.1


I just made an update to the exposure settings. If you go into the advanced options you can change the way the exposure is calculated. By default it will be calculated against the number of requested lineups. So if you have a guy at 60% and you request 10 lineups, he can be used 6 times, and those 6 times could be used in the first 6.

I added an option to calculate the exposure as the lineups are created, the "each" option. This way, if a player is set to 60% he could be used in lineup 1, but if he is used in lineup #1, he wouldn't be able to be used in lineup 2. He could then be used in lineup #3. This does make the lineups come out "out of order" in regards to the number of projected points, but I think it can be useful to mix up the lineups the way exposure is really intended. Either way, you now have the option to choose what you think is best.

Let me know if you guys find any issues. I pushed this out along with a few more minor changes, including adding the exposure settings to lineup rewind.

Thanks for this update. Amazing!

Question about the "group" vs. "each." At the end of the day, if you create 100 lineups with the same exposure percentages - one time with "group" selected and one time with "each" selected, you will get the same 100 lineups, just ordered differently. Correct?

While "each" makes it easier if you want to create a different number of lineups than the options provided (top 75 for example). You can then take the top 75 lineups if you create 100 and you will still have the exposure that you want.

Am I understanding this correctly? Sorry for the confusing wording.

You are correct, only in the situation in which you have the unique players setting to 1. The order the lineups come out matter if you have unique players set to anything higher because the previous lineups influence the future lineups in each crunch. I might be wrong but I hope I can convince you that I'm right.

Thanks for this update. Amazing!

Question about the "group" vs. "each." At the end of the day, if you create 100 lineups with the same exposure percentages - one time with "group" selected and one time with "each" selected, you will get the same 100 lineups, just ordered differently. Correct?

While "each" makes it easier if you want to create a different number of lineups than the options provided (top 75 for example). You can then take the top 75 lineups if you create 100 and you will still have the exposure that you want.

Am I understanding this correctly? Sorry for the confusing wording.

Thanks for this update. Amazing!

Question about the "group" vs. "each." At the end of the day, if you create 100 lineups with the same exposure percentages - one time with "group" selected and one time with "each" selected, you will get the same 100 lineups, just ordered differently. Correct?

While "each" makes it easier if you want to create a different number of lineups than the options provided (top 75 for example). You can then take the top 75 lineups if you create 100 and you will still have the exposure that you want.

Am I understanding this correctly? Sorry for the confusing wording.

This is definitely not true. If you adjust 1 player, this may turn out to be the case, but if you have different exposure settings for different players, or if you change the number of unique players per lineup, then the lineups that are returned are vastly different.

Would love a feature that not only lets you select how many unique players you want (which already exists) but how many unique players you want from each position. This would really help making varied lineups. Like if I want 5 lineups but all with different TE's I could select that I want every lineup to have a different TE or have at least 2 unique WR's each.

Would love a feature that not only lets you select how many unique players you want (which already exists) but how many unique players you want from each position. This would really help making varied lineups. Like if I want 5 lineups but all with different TE's I could select that I want every lineup to have a different TE or have at least 2 unique WR's each.

I promise I wrote this down from the reddit comment :-) I am not sure if it is possible or not, but I am going to give it a shot soon.

Awesome looking forward to it

What about a minimum exposure setting? That way, for example, if i wanted to force Tom Brady into a certain number of lineups (but not all like the lock button), i could set the minimum for 60% and the maximum for 80%. That way for every 10 lineups, he would be in anywhere from 6-8 of them.

What about a minimum exposure setting? That way, for example, if i wanted to force Tom Brady into a certain number of lineups (but not all like the lock button), i could set the minimum for 60% and the maximum for 80%. That way for every 10 lineups, he would be in anywhere from 6-8 of them.

These types of constraints are fairly computationally costly, the speed of the calculations may slow down considerably if this were implemented. If you want Brady in exactly 50% of your lineups, you can just run 2 crunches, one with him locked, and one with him excluded. I believe most of our users do that currently.

So I just started to play around with the exposure setting and think its really neat, however its very annoying to go through each individual player setting their exposure percentage and then to leave the site and come back to find all of them have been reset to 100% and have to remake it.

Agree with Kola, exposure settings should be able to be saved in a "set" or some type of filter kind of like you can do for the crunch tabs at the bottom. Maybe a settings tab uptop or atleast the ability to save your default settings as well.