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Topic: NFL Defense vs Position


We have updated the Defense vs Position to reflect the 2015 season only. This should provide a more accurate look into the match ups each week moving forward. Our rankings still may be slightly skewed from others you see around the internet, and this is because we believe our numbers are likely more accurate. We are using a relative strength instead of absolute strength.

To illustrate this, here is a listing of team defenses this year vs the run

You will see the Dolphins, Browns, Saints, Chargers and Packers as the 5 worst Defenses vs the Run. These are absolute numbers, based on the yards given up per game by each of those teams. These numbers do not take into account the teams that they faced.

To come up with our relative ranks, we compare the stats given up vs what the offensive team normally does. For example, If a team normally rushes 130 yards pergame, but the defense only allowed 120, they actually held the team to under their average. While 120 would be a poor absolute number, in terms of relative strength it is not as bad.

We compile stats in this manner for each category and each position and come up with the relative strength for each team, and then we rank those in order. So based on schedule, we rank the worst 5 rushing defenses as: Browns, Vikings, Lions, Dolphins, Titans.

Full disclosure: I am a Miami Dolphins fan :-)

Full disclosure: I am a Miami Dolphins fan :-)

May god have mercy on your soul.

much appreciated!!

Appreciate the change, especially factoring in strength of opponent.


Interesting to note, Rotoworld has a blurb on ATL that essentially says they're shutting down RBs. Brought this up over at Rotogrinders and some folks commented that it's misleading because ATL has only played teams with a bad running game. When compared to how the backs have faced vs. ATL and everyone else, ATL actually giving up more yardage than the average to these bad backs.

Basically FC ranks ATL 24th against the run this week, not at all scary. Confirming what rotogrinder folks are saying, even when the mainstream stats make it look like a horrible matchup for Ingram and co.

TLDR: Nice job next level evaluation guys!