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Topic: NHL projections


I'm just curious - can anyone lend any insight as to some of the things that are behind some of the PGA projections?

I mean - I'm not looking for all of the secrets to be given away. But I guess things like -

Is it totally empirical or is there some subjective input?

Is it based on last year's stats and/or rolling stats, or some other kind of metric?

Does it factor in vegas lines?

Probably some more, that I can't think of - but basic things like that, not necessarily giving away your entire recipe. What are the projections based on / how are they formulated?


LOL I just noticed I said NHL in the headline, and PGA in the body.

I guess actually, the same questions apply for both sets. But I already have my own projections for PGA, that is more of a curiosity.

The NHL one I'm curious as to what some of the inputs are, so I can better use the house projections - OR - know which parts I will lean on less heavily than others, that type of thing ...

Closing this topic because it is currently being discussed in another thread.