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Topic: Derek Carrier not in NFL pool and is starting TE for Redskins


Can he be added or am I simply missing him?

Same goes for Keith Mumphry, Rookie WR for the Texans- I believe.

Derek Carrier has been added for DK and Yahoo (he was on the other sites already), we had an issue with his import due to a conflict with Derek Carr. This has been corrected and should be good moving forward.

Keith Mumphery is listed on all sites, however he is projected for 0 points so you probably dont see him. You can either change his projection, by adding him through the player manager(note the spelling of his name) or you can change your playerpool minimum score threshold to 0 so he shows up. You could then change him to a higher projection, and revert this setting if you wanted. If you have any issues just email into

Still not seeing Carrier. I pushed my score threshold to 0 and cleared my projections and still can't locate him anywhere. Is there something else I need to do to make him show up?

Still not seeing Carrier. I pushed my score threshold to 0 and cleared my projections and still can't locate him anywhere. Is there something else I need to do to make him show up?

My fault, I saw him in our backend system and thought he was there. He was still listed as being on the 49ers and therefore not showing up.