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Topic: newb here


I tried searching and perhaps I missed this.. but I have some questions:

On tuesday I exported 50 lineups to a 50/50 match for thurs-mon games on FanDuel. I currently have said crunched lineups sitting in an open tab. Anything can happen between then and now. Is there an efficient way to export the lineups and keep tabs on all players for injury updates? I know with FD I can do an easy quick player replace across all entries if needed.

I'm really curious how others are managing their multiple entries. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

i have the option to save a lineup in My Lineups, but i'd have to click on all 50 of them to do it, am I missing an option to save an entire crunch?

This is something we are currently addressing from 2 angles. First, we are going to add the ability to save multiple lineups, and the ability to enter lineups into Fanduel/Draftkings from the 'My Lineups' page. Second, we are going to add the ability to export into existing contests, overwriting existing lineups you already have exported.

This is an insanely busy time of year, so I cannot tell you exactly how soon this will be done, but it will be sooner than later.

thanks for the response!