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Topic: Ownership Percentage in cruncher


Is there any way to tell the optimizer to not have any player in more than 50% of my lineups? Besides the players I lock into every lineup?

We just added exposure %. If you lower that to 50% it will make sure the player shows up in a maximum of 50% of the lineups per crunch.

Yea I know that. I meant to apply it to every player in your pool at once. It's not a big deal though. Also, any way to import directly into a draftkings contest like on Fanduel, as opposed to entering lineups then having to enter contest 1 by 1.

Global exposure setting sounds like a solid idea! Also, about draftkings contest import, we don't have that yet.

Yea I know that. I meant to apply it to every player in your pool at once. It's not a big deal though. Also, any way to import directly into a draftkings contest like on Fanduel, as opposed to entering lineups then having to enter contest 1 by 1.

Under advanced options, you can change the exposure number there, and then click apply and it will change everyone at once.

Thanks. Only problem with that is it also applies to your locked players. So I have to go in manually and change them back to 100% each.

Thanks. Only problem with that is it also applies to your locked players. So I have to go in manually and change them back to 100% each.

This was an oversight on my part, locking a player should override any exposure settings. I am pushing out an update today that will make this the way that it works.